
Father’s Day Gift Guide by Des Kelly Interiors

Fathers Day Blog Header

Father’s Day is fast approaching and we know it can be difficult to pick out the perfect gift which is why we have created our own gift guide to make the task less daunting. No matter your budget we have something to suit everyone! With the big day less than a week away we have […]

Celebrate Earth Day 2024 with Des Kelly Interiors

Earth Day Blog Graphic

Earth Day is an annual event created to raise public awareness about the importance of safeguarding the environment. Earth Day takes place on the 22nd of April every year and has become an important reminder to us of the things we can do to help preserve our planet. This year’s Earth Day theme ‘planet vs […]

Top 5 Children’s Bedroom Furniture Ideas

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Creating the perfect haven for your child involves more than just selecting cool children’s bedroom ideas or picking out fun bedspreads. Especially in smaller homes, the challenge often lies in maximizing space without sacrificing style or functionality. Luckily, with some smart furniture choices and creative thinking inspired by children’s bedroom decor, you can transform even […]

Faster, Stronger, Fitter by Des Kelly Interiors Exclusive Sleep Expert Tom Coleman

Football Being Kicked

“I’ve no real problem getting to sleep, but I always seem to wake up around 3 am and then struggle to get back to sleep”. Does this sound familiar to you? Many people struggle with “wake episodes” and find themselves feeling frustrated, stressed and ultimately not getting a full restful sleep because waking up has […]

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